ThANk yOU For AskinG me To TelL you AbouT MySelf and My Life as aN ElF. My NamE is Zip RaWlinSon and I am The Official ElF of The RawliNSOn Family of FlorENCE. I CaMe To LiVe WiTh The RaWlinSOn FaMily onThanKsGiviNG 2004 whEn MaRy CaTherInE Was BoRn. SanTa ChoSe me to Be The RawliNsoN’s Elf and TheN I WaS Given My OFFicial NAMe by My FaMily. EaCh YEar SanTa BRinGs me To FloRencE (or WhEREEver My FamilY iS On ThAnksGiVinG). I StaY WitH TheM FroM ThanKSGivinG UnTil SanTa ComES BacK on ChriSTMAS EVE. I ThEN CaTCh A RidE back to ThE NoRTh PolE in the SleiGh. IT iS my JoB To KEEP an EyE on MaRy CaTherINE and EllA foR SanTA DuRRinG ThAT TimE of YeaR. EaCh NiGhT I Fly Up To The PolE aNd RePort To SanTa ThE ThinGs I hAve SeEN anD HeARD. MoSt Of My RePorTs are GOOd buT SomETiMEs The GiRLs GeT A LitTLE BuSy and MiSbeHavE. If SanTa ThinKS iT isToO Bad, he WiLL MakE Me StaY At ThE PolE unTiL ThE BeHaVioR ImPRoVEs. ThAT MakES The GIRls and Me VerY SaD and I hOPE I NEVer Have to Do ThAt AgaIN. I hAVe OnLy HaD To StaY AwAy For A FeW DayS tWiCE since 2004. I HaVe SupEr GooD GiRlS. I Am An Active LiTTLe ElF and I haVE Lots of Great ElF FrIEnds aNd FaMily. My beSt FriEnd iS ALSo My CouSin, SCoUt UrQuHarT. SCouT is the official Elf of the UrQuHart FamiLy (WiLLs and ABi). ThEy Are ElLA and MaRy CaTherine’s Cousins tOO! SCouT and I HaNg OuT a LoT whEn It Is NoT ChRiSTMAs SeAson. We LiKe To HunT, FiSh, SlEd, RaCe CarS, PlaY SoCCar and We LiKe to EAT PePPERMINT. We SomETimEs GeT To Do FunStuFF at NighT hERE in FlorENce or SomE TimES we Take The WhoLe ElF Clan baCK to The Pole wiTh us At NigHt For A ViSit To CanDyCaNes GriLL. We LikE HanGinG ouT ThERE DrinkinG Pop, EaTing SweEts and ListEninG To ChRistMas Music. SoME may Ask Who ArE ThE OthER ElVes in the PhoTOs…WelL TheY dID NoT gET heRe by ChANCE. My BeSt GiRl is LuCy. LucY Was SenT by SanTa, ThRouGh OnE of Mary CaTheRineS FrienDs, as A GiFT to Her. LuCy KeepS a SpeCial Eye On MaRy CathErine for Me noW that She is GetTinG OlDer. LuCy WeArs A Green Hat and She LikES Pink. LuCy’s beSt FriEnd Is an OlD Gal NamEd Ethel. EthEL LoVEs RED and She LoVES ChoCOlATe. Ethel Was MaRy CathERine, Ella,iWiLLS and Abi’S GreaT GraNdMothEr McLauGHLin’s Elf. She IS ScouT’s BeSt Girl aND I ThiNK ShE is GoiNG To KEEP and EYe on AbI WhEn She Gets a LiTTLe OlDer. SomE TimeS We go To the Elf Drive In MoVIE or SoDa FounTain a MalT toGeThER. ThERE are OthER FrIENDS naMED Tiny SpaRKLes, BuDDy, Freddie and Mac. BuDDY is ThE BiGGest of ThE ElVEs. He WaS Mrs. STephANie’s DAddy’s ELF WhEn he was little and Then CamE baCK to Be hER ElF wheN She wAs a LittLE GiRl. He iS CuRREnTly ReTIrED frOm DuTies and DoeSn’t RepoRt on Her Anymore but He ProBAbly ShoulD. TyPicAlly BuDdy is ThE ElF ThAt Gets Us Into All KinDs of MisChieF. He CoMEs up WiTh All Of ThESE biG PLanS and We Do WhAT he SuGGEST …TypiCally MRs. RAwlinSon is NoT VerY HappY With Us. FreDDie is the Little Man. ..He belonged To GaGa MCLauGHLIN whEn ShE Was A little TiKe and noW he KeEpS a SpeCial EyE on EllA. EllA is a RasCal so ShE NeeDs MulTiplE ElVes KeePing Her InLine. ThE TWO OlDEst ElVEs in OuR fAmily aRE Tiny SpaRklEs and MAC. TiNy SpArKleS wAs GreAt GrandMothEr MCLaughlin’s Elf...SHe is OUR MaTriARch. SHe Trys tO KEEP aLL of Us YounGEr ElVes in linE. ThEN ThERE is GrUMpy OLD MAC. MAC lives ouT at GaGa’s FaRM. MaC StaYs HiDDen A LOt in hiS Old AgE anD ThE KiDs Try TO FiND hIM…He IS a GooD HiDER. We HaVe LotS of Other CouSinS ThAt CoME ViSit FroM TiME To TiME. SoMe of OuR FriENDs in FlorEnCE are TWiRL LOLLiPop, MaRv, anD RuBy. ThIS YEaR We HaVe RiDDEn A PiNe ConE TuRkEy to ChArlEston, FlOwn To ThE MOunTainS, DReSsEd up As PilGrAmS and InDiAns, hAd A SpA Day, HaD a WilD HouSe PaRty WiTh ALL Of The StuFFEd AnIMaLS, GonE SlEddinG, HunG Out WiTh ThE NuT CrACKERs, WoRKed Out, HunG ouT upside Down, SeT up Our OwnFaCE BooK PAGEs, HaD A HaWaiIIan LuAu, HeLD A ProTEST, TPed the KiTchEN, SCouT Was HelD HosTage, HunG OuT at CAndyCaneS, and MaDE ARTisTic ImpRovEMenTs to The ChrisTmAS PhoTOs. We Are GoinG GaTor HunTing And FisHing in The NeXt few Weeks. You ShouLd FoLLOw Us on FaCebooK…You NEVeR KnoW WhAT We MighT Do NeXt.
This beautiful garden was founded in 2002 by South Carolina native Darla Moore, who sought to prove that her family’s ancestral croplands could be transformed into a place of beauty, and an example of horticultural excellence. As her garden grew, so did Ms. Moore’s vision for the future of the property. Soon she began to see the potential of the garden as a place for horticultural research and education, and as a place of enjoyment for visitors. Moreover, she saw that the garden could become a source of pride for the people of her hometown and home state. The garden, she determined, would become a gift to the ages – an enrichment to the lives of others. Today, a visitor to Moore Farms Botanical Garden will find a garden that is mature beyond its years, and spectacular in its variation of design features and plant species. This diverse wonderland now thrives in soil that was once carpeted with row crops.
One of our favorite parts of the tour were the unique living wall and roof garden. The fall colors were absolutely spectacular. This was truly one of the best times of year to be outside in the garden. The South Carolina heat has finally dissipated and winter is starting to creeping in. Moore Farms had plants that you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere else, and the examples of how to use them in the garden were plentiful.
The garden has a very interesting website. Here is a link:
I look forward to attending the spring garden tour with my Mom and sister to experience how the garden changes from season to season. This garden is truly special and unique. While the garden doesn't have regularly scheduled visiting hours they do currently, offer several open house days per year during which the public can tour the gardens. They also host classes and professional workshops. All other visitation is by appointment only. They simply ask that tour requests be limited to groups of 10 people or more and preference is given to horticulture oriented groups such as garden clubs, landscape professionals and members of the local community. I hope that you will check out this special little gem in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina!
Moore Farms Botanical Garden100 New Zion Rd.
Lake City, SC 29560