The REAL TRUTH about HR 1518 and S1406
Original Purpose of the Bills:
- Eliminate the practice of soring the Tennessee Walking Horse.
- S1406 – PAST ACT (7/31/13) – Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
- HR1518- PAST ACT ( 4/11/13)- Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-Ky1)
What the Bills Actually Do:
- Eliminates weighted shoes, pads and action devises used on Tennessee Walking Horses, Spotted Saddle and Racking Horses.
- Eliminates the Tennessee Walking Horse Show horse and displaces 85% of the horses in the breed.
- Gives UDSA complete over site and adds additional inspectors by increasing the USDA Budget by approximately $20 Million.
- Continues to allows “subjective” (non-science based) inspections, disregarding the technology developed since the 1970’s.
What the Bills Do Not Say or Do:
- Bills do not solve the problem of soring the Tennessee Walking Horse for which it was originally written to solve.
- Information and photographs used to support the HSUS claims are misleading, old information from 20 years ago, before the industry began to reform internally and are not backed up by science or research.
- This video explains how misleading and old information are being used by congressional staffers to attack our breed.
- Do not apply to animal cruelty issues prevalent in many other breeds, despite the HPA applying to all equine breeds.
- The current legal performance shoe and 6oz action devise do not cause harm to the horse (source: American Association Equine Practioners and American Veterinary Medical Association).
- The USDA reported on November 3, 2013 a 96.7% industry compliance rate with their current regulations which does not support the “wide spread” use of soring chemicals as HSUS would imply.
- Since 2009 the industry has improved its compliance rate with the USDA standards from 68.6% to 96.67%. That’s a 28% improvement.
- The USDA has NEVER prosecuted any alleged violator for a pressure shoeing violation.
- Other breeds that use the same pads, weighted shoes and action devises as the Tennessee Walking Horses include but are not limited to: The American Saddlebred, Friesian, Hackney, and Dressage Horses. However they are not put through the same scrutiny and inspection process by the USDA. They are also not being denied the right to use of pads, weighted shoes and action devises by this bill.
- HR1518 and S1406 would eliminate 85% of the Walking horse industry (15,000 show horses valued at $1.3 billion), 20,309 jobs and will have a negative $3.2 billion dollar economic impact nationwide.
- This video will give you the real facts about the Tennessee Walking Horse. .
- The Walking Horse industry legislation being proposed by Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn would go farther to punish those who harm horses without eliminating a total division of the equine breed or increasing the tax burden on hard-working Americans.
- Walking Horse Industry proposed and supported legislation would address and solve the original intended purpose of the bills.
- It would establish a single, independent Horse Industry Organization (HIO) to manage the inspection and penalty process for the entire industry. The HIO would not just have independent inspectors but would have independent management of entire HIO; Management of HIO to be a board consisting of:
- Two Industry Representatives in consultation with Walking Horse Trainers’ Association
- Two Designees by Tennessee Commissioner of Agriculture
- Two Designees by Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture
- Up to three additional representatives as determined by above 6
- HIO system would follow recommendations found in AAEP White Paper and conforms to OIG Audit of APHIS including that the AAEP and AVMA. Both concur with the independent research study conducted by Auburn University that the use of pads (performance shoes) and action devices weighing no more than 6oz do not cause harm cause harm to any limb of the horse, or sore the horse; therefore, we would allow the use of this equipment.
- Establish objective standards of inspection, similar to other breeds of competitive horses, and eliminate subjective inspections established 43 years ago;
- Eliminate civil and criminal punishment for subjective interpretation of violations by single inspector; while establishing strict penalties for any violator of the HPA; and establish immediate penalty for violators.
- Put the financial burden for compliance on the industry, thereby avoiding an increased financial burden on taxpayers with increased USDA budget.
- Call, Email, Tweet, facebook message your congressmen and senators and tell them to vote NO on HR1518 or S1406.
- To find your representative's contact information, simply go to the website below and enter your zip code.
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