Sunday, December 8, 2013

Who Is Zip?

WhO Is ZiP!??!??!??

Written by: Zip Rawlinson 
December 20, 2012

ThANk yOU For AskinG me To TelL you AbouT MySelf and My Life as aN ElF. My NamE is Zip RaWlinSon and I am The Official ElF of The RawliNSOn Family of FlorENCE. I CaMe To LiVe WiTh The RaWlinSOn FaMily onThanKsGiviNG 2004 whEn MaRy CaTherInE Was BoRn. SanTa ChoSe me to Be The RawliNsoN’s Elf and TheN I WaS Given My OFFicial NAMe by My FaMily. EaCh YEar SanTa BRinGs me To FloRencE (or WhEREEver My FamilY iS On ThAnksGiVinG). I StaY WitH TheM FroM ThanKSGivinG UnTil SanTa ComES BacK on ChriSTMAS EVE. I ThEN CaTCh A RidE back to ThE NoRTh PolE in the SleiGh. IT iS my JoB To KEEP an EyE on MaRy CaTherINE and EllA foR SanTA DuRRinG ThAT TimE of YeaR. EaCh NiGhT I Fly Up To The PolE aNd RePort To SanTa ThE ThinGs I hAve SeEN anD HeARD. MoSt Of My RePorTs are GOOd buT SomETiMEs The GiRLs GeT A LitTLE BuSy and MiSbeHavE. If SanTa ThinKS iT isToO Bad, he WiLL MakE Me StaY At ThE PolE unTiL ThE BeHaVioR ImPRoVEs. ThAT MakES The GIRls and Me VerY SaD and I hOPE I NEVer Have to Do ThAt AgaIN. I hAVe OnLy HaD To StaY AwAy For A FeW DayS tWiCE since 2004. I HaVe SupEr GooD GiRlS.   I Am An Active LiTTLe ElF and I haVE Lots of Great ElF FrIEnds aNd FaMily. My beSt FriEnd iS ALSo My CouSin, SCoUt UrQuHarT. SCouT is the official Elf of the UrQuHart FamiLy (WiLLs and ABi). ThEy Are ElLA and MaRy CaTherine’s Cousins tOO! SCouT and I HaNg OuT a LoT whEn It Is NoT ChRiSTMAs SeAson. We LiKe To HunT, FiSh, SlEd, RaCe CarS, PlaY SoCCar and We LiKe to EAT PePPERMINT. We SomETimEs GeT To Do FunStuFF at NighT hERE in FlorENce or SomE TimES we Take The WhoLe ElF Clan baCK to The Pole wiTh us At NigHt For A ViSit To CanDyCaNes GriLL. We LikE HanGinG ouT ThERE DrinkinG Pop, EaTing SweEts and ListEninG To ChRistMas Music. SoME may Ask Who ArE ThE OthER ElVes in the PhoTOs…WelL TheY dID NoT gET heRe by ChANCE. My BeSt GiRl is LuCy. LucY Was SenT by SanTa, ThRouGh OnE of Mary CaTheRineS FrienDs, as A GiFT to Her. LuCy KeepS a SpeCial Eye On MaRy CathErine for Me noW that She is GetTinG OlDer. LuCy WeArs A Green Hat and She LikES Pink. LuCy’s beSt FriEnd Is an OlD Gal NamEd Ethel. EthEL LoVEs RED and She LoVES ChoCOlATe. Ethel Was MaRy CathERine, Ella,iWiLLS and Abi’S GreaT GraNdMothEr McLauGHLin’s Elf. She IS ScouT’s BeSt Girl aND I ThiNK ShE is GoiNG To KEEP and EYe on AbI WhEn She Gets a LiTTLe OlDer. SomE TimeS We go To the Elf Drive In MoVIE or SoDa FounTain a MalT toGeThER. ThERE are OthER FrIENDS naMED Tiny SpaRKLes, BuDDy, Freddie and Mac. BuDDY is ThE BiGGest of ThE ElVEs. He WaS Mrs. STephANie’s DAddy’s ELF WhEn he was little and Then CamE baCK to Be hER ElF wheN She wAs a LittLE GiRl. He iS CuRREnTly ReTIrED frOm DuTies and DoeSn’t RepoRt on Her Anymore but He ProBAbly ShoulD. TyPicAlly BuDdy is ThE ElF ThAt Gets Us Into All KinDs of MisChieF. He CoMEs up WiTh All Of ThESE biG PLanS and We Do WhAT he SuGGEST …TypiCally MRs. RAwlinSon is NoT VerY HappY With Us. FreDDie is the Little Man. ..He belonged To GaGa MCLauGHLIN whEn ShE Was A little TiKe and noW he KeEpS a SpeCial EyE on EllA. EllA is a RasCal so ShE NeeDs MulTiplE ElVes KeePing Her InLine. ThE TWO OlDEst ElVEs in OuR fAmily aRE Tiny SpaRklEs and MAC. TiNy SpArKleS wAs GreAt GrandMothEr MCLaughlin’s Elf...SHe is OUR MaTriARch. SHe Trys tO KEEP aLL of Us YounGEr ElVes in linE. ThEN ThERE is GrUMpy OLD MAC. MAC lives ouT at GaGa’s FaRM. MaC StaYs HiDDen A LOt in hiS Old AgE anD ThE KiDs Try TO FiND hIM…He IS a GooD HiDER. We HaVe LotS of Other CouSinS ThAt CoME ViSit FroM TiME To TiME. SoMe of OuR FriENDs in FlorEnCE are TWiRL LOLLiPop, MaRv, anD RuBy.   ThIS YEaR We HaVe RiDDEn A PiNe ConE TuRkEy to ChArlEston, FlOwn To ThE MOunTainS, DReSsEd up As PilGrAmS and InDiAns, hAd A SpA Day, HaD a WilD HouSe PaRty WiTh ALL Of The StuFFEd AnIMaLS, GonE SlEddinG, HunG Out WiTh ThE NuT CrACKERs, WoRKed Out, HunG ouT upside Down, SeT up Our OwnFaCE BooK PAGEs, HaD A HaWaiIIan LuAu, HeLD A ProTEST, TPed the KiTchEN, SCouT Was HelD HosTage, HunG OuT at CAndyCaneS, and MaDE ARTisTic ImpRovEMenTs to The ChrisTmAS PhoTOs. We Are GoinG GaTor HunTing And FisHing in The NeXt few Weeks. You ShouLd FoLLOw Us on FaCebooK…You NEVeR KnoW WhAT We MighT Do NeXt.
MErRy CHrIStMAS,ZiP RAwlinSon and alL the ElF FriEnds

TWHBEA Elects Officers

TWHBEA Elects Officers
Saturday, December 07, 2013
By Sharon Higginbotham

LEWISBURG, Tenn. - On Saturday, Dec. 7, 2013, at its biannual meeting, the International Board of Directors elected the Slate of Officers recommended by the nominating committee. The newly elected officers are:

President: Stephen Smith (TN)Senior Vice President/Membership: Walt Chism (TN)VP Admin/Fiscal/Audit: Christy Lantis (CA)VP Breeders/Futurity: David Williams (TN)VP Owner/Exhibitor/International: Denise Bader-Keyser (Germany)VP Performance Horse: Ford Gates (AL)VP Pleasure Horse: Jessica Hlebak (NC)VP Marketing: Ashley Wadsworth (MS)VP Training/Equine Welfare: Dr. Linda Montgomery (AL)Member at Large By Laws/Enforcement: Tom Kakassy (NC)Member at Large Youth: Sherry White (MI)Secretary: Loren Sanderson (TN)

Steve Smith has been an active member of TWHBEA for many years and served as President from 1995-1997. From Nashville, Tenn., Smith is chairman of the board of Haury & Smith Contractors, Inc. He is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, has served on the Metropolitan Nashville Planning Commission, Regional Transit Authority and Metropolitan Nashville Parks and Recreation Commission. Smith raises cattle and Tennessee Walking Horses and has ridden to 10 world championships. He was inducted into the Celebration Hall of Fame in 2001. He brings a wealth of experience in business and a passion for the Tennessee Walking Horse to this position.

Walt Chism has been an active member of TWHBEA since the mid-1960’s and served as President from 1991-1992. He is a great supporter of TWHBEA and the industry and was the first recipient of TWHBEA’s Presidential Award. He currently chairs the Master Breeder Committee.

Chism has bred two World Grand Champions and three World Champions. He is a graduate of the University of Alabama who worked in the computer business for many years. He helped advance TWHBEA’s technological capabilities and improve customer service. He looks forward to serving as senior vice president of TWHBEA.

Christy Lantis, a property assessor from California, has a lifetime involvement with the Tennessee Walking Horse. She has devoted much time and talent to TWHBEA over the years, serving on various committees, and most recently serving as VP of Enforcement. She has represented TWHBEA within the industry in its effort to consolidate the focus of various organizations to speak with one voice for the industry.

David Williams, stallion manager at Rising Star Ranch, has years of experience in managing the popular sires of our breed and tracking the progress of their progeny. He will be a great asset to TWHBEA as VP of the Breeders Committee and Futurity.

Four previous VP positions have been combined into two. The Training Committee and Equine Welfare Committee have been combined and will be headed by VP Dr. Linda Montgomery. The Enforcement Committee has been combined with the Member at Large Bylaws Committee that will be chaired by VP Tom Kakassy. Both Dr. Montgomery and Mr. Kakassy have served TWHBEA’s Executive Committee in various VP positions over the years.

This slate of officers includes members who have served before and members who will be serving for the first time. All are in agreement that there is much work ahead and all are committed to the task at hand for the breed registry.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Save The Tennessee Walking Horse

To save the Walking Horse Industry from the devastating effects of HR1518 and S1406 please help by taking action.  Your help is needed on behalf of the performance Tennessee Walking Horse and this will only take 10-20 minutes of your time.  All members of the US Congress and US Senators need to hear, right now, that they cannot ignore the walking horse family.  We must stand united and strong to stop this discriminatory bullying and hate attacks by the extremist radicals, Federal Government and HSUS.   Your voice could be the tipping point.

Will you join us and take just a few minutes to call and leave a message or speak with the federal legislators for your state? You will want to call/ email and talk with all of your state’s US Congressmen and US Senators in Washington DC. To obtain contact information for your specific legislators, simply go to this website:

Who Should You Speak With:
When you call the office, ask to speak directly to the elected official.  If they are not available ask to speak with their chief of staff.  If the chief of staff is not available ask to speak with the legislative director.  If you are sent to voice mail, do not hang up.  Start by leaving your name, address, phone number then tell them you would like to speak with them about HR1518 and S1406.  Tell them you will expect a return call.  If you do not hear back within a hour, call them back until they speak with you.   Speak to anyone you can get on the phone…the more people you educate the better!

Points To Cover With Congressmen and Senators:

My name is______________________________.  I am from ___________________________ and I am calling regarding HR1518 and S1406.

1- If HR1518 and S1406 (PAST ACT) becomes Law, it will close down the Tennessee Walking Horse Industry
Please recognize that sponsorship and passage of the PAST Act (HR1518 and S1406), an amendment to the Horse Protection Act, will effectively close down the Tennessee Walking Horse Industry.  While the Tennessee Walking horse is so versatile that it can be shown in eight divisions based on how he is shod, if the HSUS/ Whitfield bill becomes law, 7 of those 8 divisions will become illegal. The one remaining division that would be left makes up only 10% of the under saddle classes at a typical Tennessee Walking Horse Show including the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. 

2- The Tennessee Walking Horse Industry has a 98% compliance rate with the Horse Protection Act.
Actual figures from government trained and supervised industry inspectors (which have been accepted and published on the USDA website) indicate that less than 2% of the entries are found to be suspected of being in violation.

3- Connie Harriman, HSUS employee, wife of Rep. Ed Whitfield has her husband doing the bidding for HSUS.
This is personal and this representative is simply taking up a cause to help his wife at work. Harriman and Whitfield, along with their radical supporters, are proposing such radical legislation that it will eliminate the Tennessee Walking Horse as a show breed.  Almost the entire show breed will be gone and this will devastate the Tennessee Walking Horse industry to the extent that it many never recover.  The HSUS/ Whitfield legislation would eliminate over 85% of all show classes.

4-If implemented HR1518 and S1406 (PAST ACT) will have devastating economic impact on the US Economy. 
Hr1518 and S1406 will impact more than 20,000 jobs.  It will have a negative economic impact of $3.2 billion.  It will also cause a $1.3 billion loss in horse values. This amendment will have a severe economic impact, not just on this industry, but also on many individual investors, communities and charities which are the beneficiaries of profits created by this industry through shows, exhibitions and events. These bills will put successful agricultural related businesses out of business.  By eliminating 85% of the horses showing JOBS WILL BE LOST in not only direct equine related business, but in those secondary businesses which also depend on equine agriculture. This means more people in unemployment lines. Entertainment dollars will cease flowing into communities from shows causing restaurants, motels, gas stations, dry cleaners etc to feel the hit.    One Middle Tennessee community sees $40 million alone in revenue directly from one horse show.    $2,563,195.00 flowed from horse shows in 10 states into charities over the last 3 years. This charitable giving will also cease if the PAST ACT becomes law.   The passing of this act will cause many to lose their homes, farms and businesses and will add to the already significant number of people on government assistance. 

5-Yes, the Tennessee Walking Horse does perform a unique gait. 
However, it is important to note that by its unique breeding and DNA  the Tennessee Walking Horse is born to perform a unique gate.  DMRT3 (a gene/ enzyme which is found in the Tennessee Walking Horse that is not found in trotting breeds) plus generations of selective breeding is why the Tennessee Walking Horse has the ability to do its unique and exciting gate.  Our day old foals do the exact same unique gate as our performance horses.

6-According to the Auburn Scientific study on the Tennessee Walking Horse, the performance shoes do not physically harm the horse in anyway.
The information which was provided by the HSUS/ Whitfield group on this matter has not been accurate, nor true.  The performance shoes do not cause harm to the horse nor does it hurt the horse’s feet in anyway.  In the most comprehensive scientific study performed regarding the Tennessee walking horse (done at Auburn University) scientist concluded that the performance shoe does not harm the horse in anyway.  The HSUS/ Whitfield opponents have never attempted to refute this study with facts.   

7- Performance Shoes are used by many other breeds of horses.  
It is important to note that performance shoes, bands and action devises are used by breeds other than the Tennessee Walking Horse.  Horses like the American Saddle Bred, Hackney, dressage, Friesian, and Racking horses all perform a unique gate and use performance shoes, action devises and use bands.  Each of these breeds also use shoes similar to those worn by the Tennessee Walking Horse.  To put the performance shoes into perspective, if you look at the comparison between a running shoe used by humans and the performance shoes used by the Tennessee Walking Horse you will not only find similarities but on a comparative basis the performance shoes used on the horse today is lighter than what we as humans use when we run.  Both have or allow for additional cushion and both are elevated from the heel to the toe to provide better support and improvement on the ability to rock or move forward.

8- HR 1518 and S1406 is stepping into an area of states’ rights.
HR1518 and S1406 attempts to solve a state problem with a federal legislation.   As you know, the horse protection act is a federal Commerce Bill and HR1518 (PAST) amends that bill.  The horse protection act applies to the protection of horses at horse shows.  State laws cover the protection of horses at private barns.  Animal cruelty is a state issue and for the federal government to step into this area is a slippery slope. The video that HSUS and Whitfield have been playing and using has nothing to do with the horse protection act.  Passage of HR 1518 (PAST) has absolutely no affect on private barns and has no jurisdiction over actions taking place within them.  This is a state matter.   Make no mistake about this, the next steps for HSUS is to use the Whitfield amendment to get its foot in the door to the entire equine world.  Their goal is to make the horse, like they are trying to with other farm animals, a “companion” animal and a lawn ornament.  If successful with this who knows how many other horse breeds they will devastate over the next 5 years.

9- You don’t throw out a whole bag of apples because one is bad.
Please understand, I do not endorse, approve or condone the abusing or harming of any horse.  I am sickened by what some sick individuals have personally done to their horses and horses under their care.  When athletes break the law, use drugs, 1000’s of horses die on the race tracks or a driver cheats in a NASCAR race it is an embarrassment to their industry.   And yes, like many other industries, some bad apples have been an embarrassment to our industry as well.  However, no politician has ever stepped out and suggested that horse racing, NASCAR, Bike Racing, National Football League or National Basketball Association, National League Baseball industries be closed down and eliminated because of these types of offensive and illegal behaviors by some renegades.  Instead, these industries have implemented additional over site and scrutiny to prevent further problems. I believe the Tennessee Walking Horse industry has been doing this as our industry and horses are put through one of the most strenuous pre and post show inspections of any horse breed and are 98% in compliance.

10- I ask you, as my elected representative in Washington, to join Representative Marsha Blackburn and many others to vote in opposition to this amendment.

11-Thank You for taking time to listen to me and for taking action to oppose HR1518 and S1406. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call back at ___________________________.

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