Adam Kokesh, Libertarian leader and senior
Ron Paul campaign aide has been charged with illegal gun possession in D.C.
Superior Court and also faces felony drug charges
in Fairfax, Virginia. Kokesh is best known for being thrown out of the 2008
GOP Convention for rudely disrupting John McCain's convention acceptance
speech. In his outburst he screamed "it is time to toss the foreign
policy hawks out of the GOP. . . . Ron Paulers won't support Obama, Romney,
Santorum, or Gingrich because we can see there is no significant difference
between them."
Since the 2008 GOP Convention, Kokesh has
actively kept himself in trouble. He held a prominent role in the group "Iraq Veterans Against the
War" and he marched with an upside down American flag. As a
Marine, he was demoted in rank from USMC Sergeant to Corporal and received a
less than honorable discharge from the military for violating a number of
rules. Michelle Malkin has been known to call him "an anti-war
smear merchant in GOP clothing."
In 2010 he ran for
congress, calling himself an anarchist. He was proudly endorsed by Ron
and Rand Paul and the Republican Liberty Caucus. Both Ron and Rand Paul were in Kokesh's campaign promotional
videos saying "I am very happy Adam has decided to run for Congress and
wholeheartedly endorse him.”
When he didn't win
his congressional bid in 2010, Kokesh traveled to Germany to urge soldiers to
abandon their posts through a paid position with Moscow’s propaganda channel,
Russia Today. Congressman Ron Paul appeared on Kokesh
program's called "Adam and the Man" where he suggested the
abolishment of NATO, and called U.S. sanctions on Iran "acts of
war." The program was terminated in August 2011 when the U.S. Federal
Election Commission received a complaint that Kokesh was violating U.S. law by
using the Russia Today television to raise money for Paul’s presidential
campaign. It is illegal for foreign corporations to interfere in U.S.
Upon returning to the states, Kokesh
helped found "Veterans for Ron Paul" and campaigned for the
Congressman in several 2012 primary states. Kokesh was often known for
calling the other GOP candidates "enemies of the
Constitution". Kokesh describes
himself as a leader of "the peace movement," but yet he has been
arrested a number of times at anti-war demonstrations.
On July 4th,
2013 Adam Kokesh, uploaded a YouTube video of himself in Freedom Plaza, a park
in downtown Washington D.C., loading a shotgun. For obvious reasons, it is against the law to
have loaded weapons in Washington, DC.
When being investigated on the
illegal gun charges, authorities also found a gun and a full paper bag of hallucinogenic
mushrooms. Kokesh was charged with
possessing Schedule I and II drugs while also having a firearm. Schedule
I drugs include heroin and LSD have a high potential for abuse. Schedule
II drugs include: PCP, cocaine and meth-amphetamines. None of these drugs are
legal and none have accepted medical use and are all highly addictive.
My mother always says "You are known by the company you keep. " Here's a short poem I reference when I think of this situation.
"Judged By The Company One Keeps"
One night in late October,
When I was far from sober,
Returning with my load with manly pride,
My feet began to stutter,
So I lay down in the gutter,
And a pig came near and lay down by my side;
A lady passing by was heard to say;
"You can tell a man who boozes,
By the company he chooses,"
And the pig got up and slowly walked away.
From "Best Loved Poems of the American People"
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